Towards a successful induction
We pay particular attention to our new employees. Every effort is made to ensure that their integration into the company runs smoothly.
Before you arrive
On arrival
Within 3 months of your arrival
Your career
Our objectives are to enable you to develop your career via our internal mobility scheme (functional, hierarchical and/or geographical) and to promote the development of your knowledge and skills
Skills development
You benefit from our skills development plan (individual and group training), which takes into account the needs expressed by our employees and operational requirements.
E-learning platform
An e-learning platform giving you access to over 14,000 different types of content.
Group training program
We offer group training courses for all our employees. In addition, a dedicated training programs has been developed to help our new managers take up their responsibilities.
Salary and Benefits
For all employees
Career opportunities in France and abroad
Rewarding your performance
Individual and/or group training depending on the position
Access to an e-learning training platform enabling you to develop your skills at your own pace.
Quality of life at work agreement, employee assistance programme (7/7-24h/24h), rest room, CSR commitments
The gross monthly salary is determined on the basis of professional experience and the salary range associated with the level of responsibility of the position
For french employees
In order to recognise the expertise and career path of each employee, collective and/or individual increases may be awarded on the basis of annual performance. A bonus is paid after 2 years of employment to recognise seniority within the organisation.
The SIF covers 82% of the complementary health insurance (mandatory insurance) contribution.
The organization covers 50% of your public transport season tickets between your home and your place of work.
Possibility of subscribing to luncheon vouchers (Up lunch card) worth €11.97, 60% of which is paid by the SIF.
A favourable leave policy (statutory leave, seniority, JRFA, family leave)
- Fixed day rate and the possibility of remote working depending on eligible posts
- CSE and housing action
- Salary continuation in case of illness, maternity & paternity leave or family events
- Right to disconnect
- Arrangements for specific personal situations (assisting parents, etc.)
For expatriates employees
To cover your basic living expenses at your place of work, you will receive a ‘Perdiem’ (based on EuroCost) allowance for food, hygiene and leisure expenses (restaurant and occasional coffee), paid monthly in local currency.
60% of health insurance costs are covered by the SIF.
Compulsory membership of the voluntary and repatriation insurance scheme to cover the following risks: illness, maternity, disability, death, accidents at work, occupational illness.
The SIF provides you with shared accommodation (guest house) with other expatriate employees of the organisation.
One-week break (7 calendar days) and break allowance in the third and ninth months (equivalent to €500)
Paid leave at 6 and 12 months (depending on the number of days acquired) and payment of return air tickets to your usual place of residence.
- The possibility of remote working depending on the eligible posts
- The right to disconnect
- The possibility of accompanied status depending on the security and health context in the country of operation.